Connect the 6ix

Connect The 6ix

Keep6ix advances education by providing a series of online workshops through online platforms on the history of black people by highlighting historical injustices such as slavery and contemporary forms of oppression, including institutions and systematic racism.  Through The Connect the 6ix Instagram Live and other social media, Keep6ix educates the public on the impact of racism on racialized bodies, particularly black people. Specifically, using various speakers with lived experiences and educational background, Keep6ix illuminate the implication of systems of oppression on:

  • Employment- black youth are likely to be unemployed
  • Criminal justice system- black youth are overrepresented in the juvenile
  • Foster care system- after the Indigenous people, black children and youth are in the foster care system.
  • Education system; black children and youth are like to be expelled and heavily punished in schools. The school space are places where racialized students, particularly black students, are criminalized and disciplined in such ways that put them into contact with the law-School-to-prison pipeline.
  • Healthcare sector- black youth and children, faces barriers in accessing mental health services.
  • This program is educational and inspirational by providing space where the audience is a part of the conversation and encouraged to engage in the issues that affect their community as a tool to foster belonging and advance mental and physical health-wellbeing. In addition, the program provides the Black community with a forum where common issues faced can be recognized, validated, unpacked and discussed in order to explore sustainable solutions to these problems.

Past Events

Helping Children All Over the GTA

How You Can Get Involved

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